Wednesday, January 13, 2010


First we had to deal with the "Orphaned Works Act" which steals the ownership of artists' work by stripping away the right to automatic copyright by creation/..publishing, forcing artists to either pay prohibitively enormous amounts of money to own the rights to their own work,

then the incredibly damaging "Consumer Product Safety Information Act" of last year, the vagueness of which makes it virtually impossible to buy anything except mass-produced garbage sold by the same gigantic corporations that sat in to "help draft" the bill,

and recently, the battle to put the few remaining small/sustainable/organic farms out of business so that we are forced to eat and drink the poisonous, non-nutritive crap that factory farms spew out,

(and don't even get me started on the seed industry, our total refusal to even start seriously considering alternative energy, or the uselessness of the FDA & AMA over their decades-long attacks on natural medicine and chiropractic/holistic healing, all to put more money in their pockets instead of healing people (but they will approve poison that can kill you, and feel as long as they add that microscopic disclaimer in there, it's ok).

Now our use of the internet will come under corporate control and influence as well (yes, more than it is now, and yes, you do pay for it and should have a say):

The FCC is rewriting the Net Neutrality law, which up until now, provides a built-in safeguard against corporations ( or anyone, for that matter) to tell you what to view, read or listen to, or influence it in any way. The changes will effectively leave us with the internet equivalent of "network TV' with all its pre-programmed material, brain-numbing (by design) whitewashed schlock and whatever else the sponsors want you to see (or not see), even down to what is or is not considered 'news'--all so a few behemoth-sized companies can make even more money at our expense.

Go here:

and start yelling--the deadline for public input is Jan14--TWO DAYS away.

This mess was hidden from the public just like the CPSIA which didn't become well-known until people on the internet caught wind of it and spread the word, months after the original draft was written up, and it almost made it through unaltered.
Nothing less then a FLOOD of calls, e-mails and letters from concerned small businesses (just like many of ours right here) telling their legislators that the bill would literally put them out of business and cause even more unemployment as it stood. It got them to take a closer look at the bill and get a few crucial things amended.

Check it out, and remember that if we can't stop a 'Soylent green' scenario, we can at least postpone it for a while.

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