Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Peace Pole (Nine Eleven)

When It Happened, we froze.
We cried, we hugged, we spoke to many a stranger
like never before.

We lit candles and sang,
and had to explain something we didn't understand ourselves
to children too young for such news,
because for all we knew,
we may be next.

It's good for us, in a sick way
'makes us strong' they say.
Has brought us together and now we will never
look at the
the same way again.

The dewy morning walks
with only me and the birds,
breaking the mist of dawn.
The occasional soft hum
of a small plane
is now a threatening drone,
potential cause for concern.

Millions in sync diving deep Within
our hearts to find the light,
uniting our brains to pull it out.

One common goal-
to open the gates of infinite
Send it out like a flood over the earth and Beyond.

White to gold, it streams
covering it as a blanket, saturating everything
until all is aglow in unison.

While at The National Theater
a tribe of the faithful
anchor this worldwide event
with the planting of a pole.

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